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Calvert ('Scotty Sax-Man'!)

"Young Scotty helps to 'tend the garden', in 1964 at his grandparents home in Waldwick, NJ!"
"Scott-C... as Santa's 'helper' in 1962, visiting the 'grand-folks', at age-three (and taking 'Christmas-present'-inventory)!"    

"While visiting his uncle's farm in Delaware, in '67, Scott tries his hand at 'tractor-ing'... 'Hey, Look-Out'!"
    "The 1978 Pequannock High School graduation-pic... So-fashionable, when polyester 'reigned-supreme'!"
"1978 was a tough-time for young Scotty to get ina few 'winks', while marching with the Pequannock High School 'Golden Panthers'-band!"   "Boning-up for the BIG freshman-engineering-class final at Rutgers??? Not-hardly, in 1979, as 'Mr. C' pursues 'alternate'-studies, 'cramming', with a friend!"